Ann's Chicken Fry House

by Micah Offman
Ann's Chicken Fry House
Micah Offman
Photograph - Digital Photography
It was the sound of the motor I remember the most,
and the wall, the red tiles wall, where every lover put their name under a heart
The idea? To fly from Oklahoma back to Oklahoma one day
If our names are still there shining
But we don't have the heart
Location: USA, Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Route 66, Ann's Chicken Fry House
November 17th, 2019
Comments (5)

Tatiana Travelways
Congratulations on Your Feature in Travel Art of Fine Art America! - Feel free and post it on our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/faatravelart * I also invite you to our 3+3 / 5+5 FAV's & COMMENTS group's promotion threads: https://fineartamerica.com/groups/1-travel-art.html?tab=discussions

Ben Prepelka
Congrats! Your work is now featured in the Roadside group! Please consider adding it to the “Featured work for the September and October 2024" active discussion thread. (Like/Fav 9-02-2024)

Jenny Revitz Soper
BRAVO! Your artwork was featured on the PLACES homepage on September 1, 2024. You may share it in the Group's Features discussion or any relevant thread. Thank you for your contribution to the group, and we look forward to seeing more of your beautiful artwork in the future.

Jack Andreasen
Lots of awesome photos in your gallery Micah. I'll be back to view more.l/f
Micah Offman replied:
Thank you so much, Jack! ...and congratulations for your gallery, so many interesting images